Jember is one of the three East menjawa after Surabaya and Malang. As the third largest city in eastern Java, Jember memyiapkan various facilities in order to support the development and acceleration of the economy.
Jember tobacco is a city that has long been ssealin dikenalk jemeber it is also known as a tourist area it is caused Jember rich in sights from the mountains to the coast of the famous beauty.
for it Jember provides a variety of lodging facilities of international class samapai regular class that widely spread in the town of Jember, the hopes of the visitors from the area around atupun overseas can be easy to rest and beauty menuikmati Jember.
is no less important that some state universities and one private UNEJ (muddy state universities) and others.
Jember District, is a district in East Java province, Indonesia. The capital is Jember.
The district borders denganKabupaten Probolinggo and Bondowoso district in the north, Banyuwangi regency in the eastern Indian Ocean in the south, sertaKabupatenLumajang in the west. Jember consists of 31 districts.
City Jember formerly an administrative city, but since 2001 the term administrative city removed, so City Administrative Jember again become part of Jember.
Jember is a regional center in eastern horseshoe, the city's public universities are the University of Jember. Jember Anniversary celebrated on January 1 each year.
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